Jour de Pluie (2007)

(Rainy Day) is an ode to my inner child.

Rainy days meant I couldn't play outside, and instead, found myself amazed by all the precious objects I had been collecting. At flea markets, at the beach, at my friend's house, in my grandparent's attic—I had been collecting beads in all colors and textures. Alone, free, at peace, I would organize them in tubes and boxes, and transform them into silly bracelets and necklaces. Some days just opening the boxes and looking at them was enough.

“To celebrate Elsi's one year anniversary, we have teamed up with Lonely Arts to explore ideas of house and home, where people find intimacy. Rather than this being a physical space, the exhibition will be exploring the internal house we build for ourselves that allow us to access our most intimate thoughts and house our imagination. Whether that be through dance or cultural, visual art, writing or music, the exhibition will explore these spaces that allow us to develop and grow.”

text written by Henry Weekes